Why Use a Specialized Mechanic For Your Luxury or Foreign Car?

Every car owner can choose the mechanic they prefer when it comes to maintenance and repairs, but if you own a luxury car or a foreign car, you might want to give serious consideration to going to a specialized mechanic for repair work. In some cases, a mechanic who specializes in these types of cars or who is authorized by the dealer to work on your model in particular might be a bit more expensive, but that added expense can often be worth it. [Read More]

Defensive Driving: A Guide

There is much more to driving a car than learning how to operate the steering wheel, gears and clutch. To stay safe on the road, you also need to know how to drive defensively. But what does this phrase actually mean in practice? Below is a brief guide to how to drive defensively. Don't Use Your Phone While Driving In order to drive defensively, you need to pay very close attention to your surroundings and the actions of other road users. [Read More]

Truck Buying Guide for First-Timers

With a large selection of established vehicle brands and models already present on the automobile market and new ones cropping up, choosing the right truck for your specific application can prove to be an overwhelming task. If you are a novice at buying trucks, here are a number of features you should consider at the very least. Drivetrain One of the most important things to consider is the transmission of your truck. [Read More]

Paintless Dent Repair Options for the Do-It-Yourselfer

If your car has a minor dent that is not folded or creased and the paint itself is still intact, it might be a good option for paintless dent repair. This refers to a repair method that doesn't involve drilling, sanding, and anything else that will require painting once the work is done. Car paints today are made to be somewhat flexible so they can suffer minor dents and be popped back into place without chipping, so you might try one of these methods for your own car. [Read More]